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Comments on Profile Post by xChapx

  1. Beef
    It's a frame from Tome 2 of Marquis D'Anoan, a French comic about a disgraced medical student drop out travelling France dealing with supernatural junk. He is unbelievably devil may care about it all, preferring to whore and booze it up more than anything.

    Here's the full image. http://imgur.com/tCt73
    Nov 22, 2012
  2. xChapx
    thanks , the image surprised me a bit i thought it was going to be something different but its cool(the monster is killing the lady , absoring her soul or both?) do you know where i can see an english version of the comic ?
    Nov 23, 2012
  3. Beef
    Just google "The Marquis of Anaon T01 - T04 cbr" and you'll find links.

    Also the style of the comic isn't all like that, but on page 2 of the issues there's always a relief or whatever like that based off the current story.
    Nov 23, 2012
  4. xChapx
    Nov 23, 2012
  5. ParaLogia
    I thought this post was referring to your current pic Beef :V
    Nov 30, 2012
  6. Beef

    Naw, this one's from a political cartoon. It's fucking hilarious for a number of reasons.
    Dec 1, 2012