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Comments on Profile Post by thebonesauce

  1. thebonesauce
    I don't have video, so nothing is going to happen to him. He just collapsed our bridge and much of the defense we had on Action Unlimited and left immediately after. I had 3 fucking videos of this kid back before Zombies came out griefing.
    Dec 31, 2012
  2. thebonesauce
    And nothing happened. Even if I did, he would be banned for two days. What's the fucking point? They can come back after two days and they'll do it again. Why not, right? What kind of punishment is two days? I'm just beyond fed up with type of shit.
    Dec 31, 2012
  3. thebonesauce
    I bitch here because a griefing report would be ignored and I really need to vent. It's so aggravating. If we had let KLAUStrue back onto our servers after he was blacklisted from MOLE/Action/Beo's, he would STILL be griefing. It's ridiculous.
    Dec 31, 2012
  4. Galen
    Make it look like if he was hacking. I agree certain people are to kind to griefers.
    Dec 31, 2012
  5. CheeseMeister
    Bonesauce just 30 minutes ago I got a 5 second video of him griefing. I don't want to report him with only that one video though since Furai might say "it was just accidental". Right now I am on a wild goose chase trying to get another video. If a griefer gets reported enough times will he get permabanned?
    Jan 15, 2013
  6. Mazey
  7. CheeseMeister
    yeah... got impatient. :D
    Jan 16, 2013
  8. CheeseMeister
    Also yet another 2 day ban.
    Jan 16, 2013