Their final evolutions better be good because they are ALL TERRIBLE! It makes me wonder: Which one is the powerful one we're all meant to choose excluding hippsters? Chespin sucks, Froakie...His eyes...His body shape...Amd that fox thing looks so unthreatening and weak I haven't bothered to remember its name...
You judge by appearances, fool! Even an egg can hatch into an extremely powerful pokemon. i like all the generations equally cept blaziken and just blaziken. Secondly we don't know their stats or final evolution. also generally old pokemon stats are worse then the new one. what is stronger a gen one zubat or a gen 2 magby
Stat creep is BAD not GOOD. Also, I'm not saying the pokemons move pool, base stats etc, are terrible, Im saying what we know about them so far is terrible.
Just went through all base stats of final starter evolutions: They average 530, the maximum is Swampert with 535, but Gen V starters are at a slightly low 528. Well, nice assumptions.
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