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Comments on Profile Post by Rayne

  1. Beef
    The Mire of Periwinkles, wherein I'm hiding out in a room and reading books written by dead guys while several hundred walking corpses wander about in the outside tower. I'll kill them when I finish up "Crispwhisphered: My Only Mistake", by Osman Pantwatchful.
    Feb 16, 2012
  2. Beef
    Then I think I'll either kill every necromancer in the world, or go to the deep south and raise an army of polar bears, or try and get bitten by a local werecapybara so that the transformation will heal the nerve damage building up.

    Basically, FORT DORFTRESS
    Feb 16, 2012
  3. Rayne
    oh you're on df
    Feb 16, 2012
  4. Rayne
    Feb 16, 2012