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Comments on Profile Post by Cerbercre

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Hmm, what kind of muffins are those?
    Jan 24, 2013
  2. Cerbercre
    Hmm.. Blueberry?
    Jan 24, 2013
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    With cinnamon? :3
    Jan 25, 2013
  4. Cerbercre
    God of course bro.
    Jan 25, 2013
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Okay! In that case I'm in. :3
    Jan 25, 2013
  6. Cerbercre
    I feel like you'd be the bestest friend i've ever had. Q_Q
    And now i want muffins so i might make some.
    Jan 25, 2013
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron
    I might make some tonight once it's cooled off some. Too hot atm.
    Jan 25, 2013
  8. Cerbercre
    Well my house is freezing literally. My bodys numb so a good oven cooking would be great right now.
    Jan 25, 2013
  9. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Then clearly you should go bake! :D In fact, I know: go bake something and then come back and post pics! I wanna muffin with a "for FBB" written next to it! :3
    Jan 25, 2013
  10. Cerbercre
    Oh man putting me to work. I'll get to it asap. :3
    Jan 25, 2013
  11. FuzzyBlueBaron
    YAYYYYY! ^_^

    We'll show those women how to _really_ use a kitchen. :p
    Jan 25, 2013
  12. zollie20
    Could I have a "for Zol"? :D Cmon cerbro :P
    Jan 25, 2013
  13. Cerbercre
    Fuck, i made muffins the other day and forgot to take a picture i just realized that.
    They were good btw they stuck to the muffin wrappers but they were amazing. ;_;
    Jan 30, 2013
  14. zollie20
    Muffins have a rule; they taste good and stick, taste bad and don't stick, or they explode.
    Mine follow rule 3
    Jan 30, 2013
  15. FuzzyBlueBaron
    First dude to post a pic of their freshly baked muffins is owed a Marsbar by the other two. :p
    Jan 30, 2013
  16. zollie20
    Challenge accepted.
    Jan 30, 2013
  17. Cerbercre
    Fuzzy's gonna win, hes the biggest man between us.
    Jan 30, 2013
  18. zollie20
    I made choc+vanilla marble muffins, biatches.
    Takes forever since you have to use two mixes and swirl them around consecutively...
    Anyway, that's the best of the bunch.
    Jan 31, 2013
  19. Cerbercre
    Thats so manly.
    Jan 31, 2013
  20. zollie20
    hey, those plates are from a long time ago! XD
    Jan 31, 2013
  21. zollie20
    Cmon fuzzy and cerb, I'm expecting those mars bars. :^)
    Jan 31, 2013
  22. FuzzyBlueBaron
    If you're there at the first KAGexpo then I'll hand you one personally, otherwise it'll have to be via mail--or a virtual one, if you're into digital food... :p
    Jan 31, 2013
  23. zollie20
    Pixel-ized chocolate is... an acquired taste. :S
    Ya know, i'll stick to my muffins and let you have your mars bar ^,^
    Jan 31, 2013
  24. Cerbercre
    Bitches just wait my muffins will be coming and ur all gonna be in awe.
    Jan 31, 2013