Do you wish to know why? Because it was on a competitive Admins vs All match, and where the odds should be 3:1 to the pubs, we had 70% of our team minecrafting and doing NOTHING to help the team AT ALL.
im not trying to say its unfair or anything cause it is their server, but its not like he was a griefer or hacker so im just wondering why give him the same treatment as one? isnt it better to have some one who actually builds some thing rather then destroy? i know ppl can great builders, but there are some who are new and still learning as well.
I really didn't under stand much of that, work was hard. But if you're saying you wan't to learn hw2b a better builder, why don't you try fucking going onto sandbox and practicing instead of giving people the wrong impression. Also try looking on the forums for building idea's then doing them in Sandbox, repeat, remember, then do.
well i don't know if all people who first start playing KAG are just going instantly know where to go and what to do. like any game, usually people who are interested in it will want to give it a go wouldn't they? the guy i was with during that time only started 2 days before i met him, so i doubt he would have known there were more useful ways to build on the forum
If you're building palaces that won't do your team no good...just gtfo. But if you're lagging behind and building gigantic towers (that you probably won't ever use) then you're just wasting your time. Go free some slots for the server. It'll reduce lag for other players and make the teams more even/fun.
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