*barely dodges ring of fire, gets slightly singed* You are a worthy opponent my friend, worthy enough for to use my ultimate technique. *takes confusing stance* Hidden Reaper......... DEATH SEAL! *Charges at Lieber, Sword seeming to flicker and disappear, only to reappear at a random spot.
*sighs* They all fall for it, every single one. *Xanderon surround by copies dissapeared* *appears behind real Lieber, Sword at the ready* You see, I make a flashy forward attack, claiming it is my "ultimate technique" With them being afraid, they use their own ultimate techniques. But, In reality, I have never used my ultimate technique.
*slightly cuts Lieber* The thing about my sword is, if you get even slightly cut by it, it seals your magic away. It was a poor decision to attack me, I am especially good against mages.
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