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Comments on Profile Post by PumpkingSlice

  1. PumpkingSlice
    There is also a script which when you buy multiple bombs, there is a chance of you using more than one at the same time. You do not notive this until you press the F key and no bombs are delivered. Sadly this does not affect the current bomb thrown in anyway. The chance of this being higher is having a good ping. To have no problems with bomb syou must unfortunatley play on servers where your ping exceeds 300.
    Feb 6, 2013
  2. Xlayer
    1) yes I'm actually aware of the random bomb generating script.

    2) Are you talking about how sometimes you can press E to buy a bomb, it deducts 20 coins and you don't actually get a bomb? If you press E again, you will get the bomb without another deduction. They put in some kind of failsafe :>
    Feb 7, 2013
  3. PumpkingSlice
    That is actually another rare thing too. Gratz on mentioning it. But no I'm talking about after using a bomb it deducts from the ammount of bombs you have. Example: You = 2 bombs. Use 1 bomb = -1 bomb, ignite bomb. Script = If light 1 bomb, (-1, -2) for every (+player, +ping).
    Feb 7, 2013
  4. PumpkingSlice
    So since I'm talking crap and failing. Basically when you light a bomb there is a small chance another bomb may be used up. The ammount of players on the server and having good ping affect this. Sometimes bad ping too.
    Feb 7, 2013
  5. Xlayer
    Ok thanks. I actually didn't know about that one. Luckily it hasn't happened to me yet. Is KAG programmed in 100 percent AngelScript, or is it a combination of languages?
    Feb 9, 2013
  6. PumpkingSlice
    To my knowledge it's full AngelScript. Though you are better finding that out as I'm not a good source to come to when it comes to scripting for KAG.
    Feb 9, 2013