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PFFFT I'm not stalking uuuuu :3
Why do u comment on everything i say :<
Because I can :>
Where r u bf i miss you D': [Crys]
I'm waiting for it to update :(
b b but im sad u and farn and lil and meaow dont play anymoar and it makes me depressed D':
:O flare! How could u???? Oh and I thought u were a guy o-o
i'll play when i can
U thought who was a guy?
nvm :]
Hes on in the morings on RAVE in the weekends
Oh tnx kitty :3
np anyway when u on lil?
Depends if I know anyone online :$ but mostly on weekends 2
awww im on about 2 hours every night from 5-7 PM NZ time
U live in NZ???
I go on rave at like 7:00 - 8:00 In the morning s on weekdays (I might be wrong)
yea im in NZ why?
:D you'll work it out from my bro's whereabouts
Whos ur bro?
I think Flares following him :3
Kasy, Bargey, Night, Blazer?
So kas is a guy? ._.
opps nvm i always think he is but hes not xD
:D kitty cat =^_^= or =~_~=
D:< Cat stealer
My cats the cutest <3 :P
Thats me :3
Wow from missing Flare to chating about cats
Stahp your messages be spaming me... Spam taste disgusting :(
Sowwy D':
Whoopsie XD
We like Meesagng :D
:$ i want moneh
:$ I NEED some moneh :c
Separate names with a comma.
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Comments on Profile Post by blazer878