its great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me makes sense if u say it 5 times....
I really truly said it five times and it still didn't make sense maybe you should show me a video tutorial? Send me a link please :)
s great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me
s great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me
s great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me
s great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me
s great having followers i thought u wanted followers and i want followers so i follow u and u follow me
OMG TAMAGOTCHI!!!!!! I used to know every single character's name xD My favorite is the strawberry, I think his name was Itchigotchi please correct me I am wrong :)
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