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Comments on Profile Post by PumpkingSlice

  1. BlueLuigi
    No thank you, what's left of Action in KAG is dead to me, the rest of KAG is too meh.
    Feb 23, 2013
  2. PumpkingSlice
    Then why are you here. I know you just want to see 14 year old boy's nipples.
    Feb 25, 2013
  3. Wolffkran
    Wait, me too? I even carry the tag man.
    Mar 6, 2013
  4. BlueLuigi
    Come now Wolff, you know you're still cool.

    btw you should hop on the mumble sometime.
    Mar 6, 2013
  5. Wolffkran
    Meh yeah sure, pass me the info over inbox sometime. I had to restart my computer to factory settings and never got to asking for it again.
    Mar 6, 2013
  6. BlueLuigi
    Factory settings? How come? D: Virus?
    Mar 6, 2013
  7. Wolffkran
    I forget actually, but it wasn't a virus. It was me trying to fix my ping. For some reason I thought that would help.
    Mar 6, 2013