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Comments on Profile Post by dandyking7179

  1. jack-o-saurus
    My computer friend has been busy so computer isnt fixed :'(
    Feb 28, 2013
  2. dandyking7179
    Damn, any idea when? :'(
    Mar 1, 2013
  3. jack-o-saurus
    noppity :'( i did go online last night for 10 mintes to check that everyone was ok :)
    Mar 1, 2013
  4. dandyking7179
    well, for now who most uses the chat are stig, shade and me. Haley's nowhere to be seen for 6 days now :'( But I'm glad to hear everything's fine with ya :D
    Mar 1, 2013
  5. jack-o-saurus
    Yeah i saw on kgc but tbh she let us know she was gonna be away
    Mar 1, 2013
  6. dandyking7179
    Do you remember how long? :'(
    Mar 2, 2013