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Comments on Profile Post by zollie20

  1. Hella
    Ha. Ahaha.
    Mar 17, 2013
  2. Iamaclay
    * Congratulatory Bow* for becoming a moderator
    Mar 20, 2013
  3. Hella
    Zollie, I'm actually really proud of you for that joke. Well done. :P
    Mar 20, 2013
  4. zollie20
    but it wasn't even a good one ;[
    Mar 20, 2013
  5. Hella
    And that's why I am proud.
    Mar 20, 2013
  6. zollie20
    I guess that explains the quality of the other fishy puns below.
    Mar 21, 2013
  7. Hella
    Quality is only of minor importance, it's more about quantity.
    Mar 21, 2013
  8. zollie20
    Hella's top tip #11 right there.
    Mar 21, 2013
  9. Iamaclay
    Hella, you have some very tip-top tippies.
    Mar 21, 2013