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Comments on Profile Post by toffie0

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Ah, that's actually a bug with the forum system we're using--only the owner of a social forum (or admin like Kouji/Rayne/me) can promote mods and, sadly, if the owner ever leaves a group they lose the 'owner' status. Now, I believe Shadlington or Furai can reinstate that status (so poke them about that) but until then, please feel free to ask me to promote anyone you need. ;)
    Mar 19, 2013
  2. toffie0
    Will do thankoptou so much :)
    Mar 19, 2013
  3. toffie0
    My co-owner has just done the same thing as me, if you have any spare time can you please re-promote him. Same link at the top
    Mar 27, 2013
  4. FuzzyBlueBaron
    I assme you meant "coolmonkey54"? If so done. If not, say the name and I'll swap coolmonkey for them. ;)
    Mar 27, 2013
  5. toffie0
    Sorry yep, Coolmonkey54 it was, thanks :)
    Mar 27, 2013
  6. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Mar 27, 2013