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Comments on Profile Post by killatron46

  1. Contrary
    uh, is this a very good place for that?
    Mar 25, 2013
  2. killatron46
    I dunno, is it?
    Mar 25, 2013
  3. Contrary
    you can do whatever you like on my page, i dunno if you are powerful enough but if you check i dont delete any posts
    Mar 25, 2013
  4. killatron46
    Nah, I lost that power long ago and didn't bother getting it back. Didn't really like having that much power. Goddnite.
    Mar 25, 2013
  5. Contrary
    nighty night
    Mar 25, 2013
  6. Kouji
    >posts old picture of dinosaurs
    >gets a total 24 likes from just 1 image that was badly photoshopped

    I almost felt bad doing that because I knew that would happen. Getting likes is so easy though. (as long as you aren't a pleb)
    Apr 2, 2013