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Comments on Profile Post by SlyStalker

  1. sheek
    I think that this picture goes perfectly with the lyrics
    Apr 4, 2013
  2. SlyStalker
    So you watch Adventure Time? I hear its incredibly popular in the USA.
    Apr 4, 2013
  3. sheek
    I used to but haven't found the time for it recently. It is extremely popular tho
    Apr 4, 2013
  4. SlyStalker
    I just have watched the ice ninjas ep :D
    Apr 5, 2013
  5. sheek
    its pretty humorous but I have more important things that I could be doing......like kag :)
    Apr 5, 2013
  6. SlyStalker
    true dat brother true dat :D
    Apr 6, 2013