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Comments on Profile Post by killatron46

  1. Kouji
    It's disheartening? Personally I don't think this one is suggestive, but eh. To be honest apart from the foot one, I can really think of any past avatar that was suggestive. Sure they were all girls, but I don't think girl avatar automatically = suggestive
    Feb 23, 2012
  2. Bracket
    Eh, but you do pick suggestiver avatars than, say, Rayne or Acavado, from what I remember of them. I don't have great memory.

    Good to hear that you actually thought of that picture as "the foot one".
    Feb 23, 2012
  3. Rayne
    I had Rainbows in my breasts.
    How much more suggestive must I go?
    Feb 24, 2012
  4. Bracket
    Well I chose not to remember that, clearly. You've improved since then, at least.
    Feb 24, 2012
  5. Kouji
    And before that, it was her laying on a bed with her arms open
    Feb 24, 2012