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Comments on Profile Post by Demonturtle101

  1. cincoscuencas
    Hhey demont turtle!!. whats up?
    Apr 15, 2013
  2. Demonturtle101
    Not much
    What is this Ya no puedo volver atras; soy parte de este juego, que se juega con fuega amor :D
    And stop changing your head >:).
    Apr 15, 2013
  3. cincoscuencas
    hahah. it is part of my favorite song before. Its in Spanish; it just says: "I cant go back; Im part of the game, this game of love."

    I love changing heads. lol. cause i want to enjoy the privileges of being in premiuim.
    Apr 15, 2013
  4. Demonturtle101
    lol my head da best :D
    Stupid Demon_Jester thinks it deformed >:( what a mean guy :3
    And i though it was just random swords and shit :D
    Also how BA :D?
    Apr 15, 2013
  5. cincoscuencas
    to be honest, no ones applying in BA :( and we need more people to keep it running, and going
    Apr 15, 2013
  6. Demonturtle101
    Why would someone apply it's a small clan that not many ppl know you gotta invite ppl
    And is it casual D:
    Apr 15, 2013
  7. cincoscuencas
    yeah. we made it casual just now, cause no one seems to be applying.
    Apr 15, 2013
  8. Demonturtle101
    That sucks but i wish you luck :D.
    Would you like me to join :D.
    Apr 15, 2013
  9. cincoscuencas
    Yes, i think youre a good fellow. but you need steve's approval
    . but if you apply, you have my yes
    Apr 16, 2013
  10. Demonturtle101
    I will but i might not be on KAG very much anymore because for some reason i have serious lag and i just get kiked or banned or just can't play.
    Apr 16, 2013
  11. Demonturtle101
    Also i can't apply so could you invite me if that's ok with Steve .
    Apr 16, 2013