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Comments on Profile Post by cincoscuencas

  1. MadDog
    ... nope, unless ur mentally retarded, have no social life and or have never been to the city, then we all talk like that ^_^
    Apr 19, 2013
  2. MadDog
    There is like only 200 people that actually speak like that xD
    Apr 19, 2013
  3. MadDog
    all of them are not from australia xD
    Apr 19, 2013
  4. cincoscuencas
    lol, "Righty mate! - this is how australians take hey?" - apparently this does not make any sense!! Its supposed to be "is this how australians talk, aye?"
    Apr 19, 2013
  5. MadDog
    um kinda.
    Apr 19, 2013
  6. Dantedeathhermit
    Maybe it's the area.
    I'm American (well, mostly), people assume I should be talking like I'm either a Texan or an inbred hillbilly. I don't and it's just insulting.
    Apr 19, 2013
  7. Dantedeathhermit
    North-east USA not middle-south.
    BIG difference.
    Apr 19, 2013
  8. SlyStalker
    Most Aussies don't talk like that...
    Apr 30, 2013