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Comments on Profile Post by flipperz

  1. flipperz
    just like the only thing stronger than whiskey are spirits.
    Apr 24, 2013
  2. Hella
    I think even more fear is stronger than fear, too. If I was scared of going somewhere, I would if I was more scared of staying in the same place.
    Apr 24, 2013
  3. flipperz
    Yes, but when you've currently got a sphyco in your house looking for you with a bloody machete scraping across the floor while an alien invasion is going on along side a zombie apocalypse you always have hope that they won't find you hiding. I rest my case.
    Apr 24, 2013
  4. Hella
    I'd take the psycho head on, then take on the assorted apocalypses with my bare fists.
    Apr 24, 2013