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Apr 5, 2016
Feb 26, 2012
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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. b0ng
      plop, I have been banned to day, no reason ... My english is poor, i cant all understand but it seems for randomkilling, i Responding to personal attacks, 3/4 times including one admin ( a free kill, i agree, i was enraged ) after two minute game :D .. really abusive sanction, I have done worse, my apologies ! ;D
      1. bergice
        Looks like your ban is expired, I'm not sure if an admin banned you, but it could have been a ping-ban.
        May 5, 2013
    2. copper40
      Hey you might want to do something about Jelly Red47 in your server - he claims to be a VIP. Is this true?
      1. bergice
        He is supposed to be VIP if he isn't already.
        May 5, 2013
      2. copper40
        I'd like to also mention that a few days ago he was random killing people.
        May 5, 2013
    3. Kingpanda
      i want to give props to access_denied, Retro Fit, and Broken wings. since i see them on all the time, and they try their best to keep all the craziness of rks and griefers down. so thankyou guys :)
      1. bergice likes this.
      2. bergice
        Yeah, I think they're doing a good job!
        May 3, 2013
    4. Kingpanda
      i am sorry bergice but im about to explode, your admin sucks...he banned me on your server. they built a base directly under the dwarf base. when i try and get in they say no. i try again he says no and bans me. please get admins who wont abuse their powers. Thankyou :)
      1. bergice
        Which admin did this? This is absolutely not what they're supposed to do. Maybe it was a ping ban?
        May 1, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        i do not know off the top of my head. i want to say its something like jake or something
        May 1, 2013
      3. bergice
        We don't have any admin similar to that name, I am fairly sure it was just a ping-ban.
        May 2, 2013
    5. anonymousquare
      A griefer was randomly placing stone blocks everywhere then I had to remove them then I was banned and I wasn't even given a chance to say anything about why I was doing it.
      1. bergice
        It doesn't say you are banned, it was probably a latency ban which expires quickly.
        Apr 29, 2013
    6. frederickvael
      Your server is awesome, but your mods are horrible. Spawnkilling, griefing, and nothing is said, unless it happens to them. They in fact spawnkill the enemy team without remorse. They don't let anyone play. Root and sketch, or something like that.

      If i were you, i would fix that quickly.
      1. johncarterminime2
        The map is 600-200 squares big (i think)...in other words admins have to watch roughly 15k blocks and sometimes there's 32 players in the server. Its harder then it seems
        May 2, 2013
      2. frederickvael
        What I mean is not about mere moderation. I'm talking about a mod in a team, spawnkilling us (or at least seeing how their team is spawnkilling us) and doing nothing. And you try to do anything on their base, and after they say enough, they begin to froze people.

        Power abuse is what I'm talking about.
        May 3, 2013
      3. johncarterminime2
        Ahh I see... just take screenshots and send them to bergice.... f4 or f3 or one of those first 4 f's should take screenshots
        May 3, 2013
    7. Nigelboy
      bergice emergency kingmanson is Griefing troll currently may i please request u ban him for a few days that will teach him not to grief again plz reply as soon as possible
    8. Leonidas_in_the_sky
      Hello. Someone tell me that you are the creator of the classic role play game mode. I would like to know how do you put different tents for each team.
      1. Leonidas_in_the_sky
        Nevermind i found it. thanks
        Apr 24, 2013
    9. Kingpanda
      Some noob admin banned me on your server. didnt even give me a chance to respond. he just banned me. im not sure how long.
      1. bergice
        Apparently Pqla froze you and you left, placing an automatic ban.
        Apr 23, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        nope lol, it might have been disconnection or ping. but i wouldnt have left.
        Thankyou :)
        Apr 23, 2013
    10. xRPEx
      There are two really bad admins on the rp server: brokenwings and pqapqla24688. They both are oblivious to EVERYTHING that is going on in the server and freeze hardly anyone. My base got griefed by someone (arsenal numbernumbernumber..) and brokenwings did nothing. Other people reported this bs to broken and he did absolutely nothing. Pq is almost the same exact case, and you just need better admins in general.
      1. bergice
        Thanks for reporting, I will talk to them about it.
        Apr 23, 2013
    11. JackBoosh
      Yo Berg, I got banned from then new RP server alpha test for collapsing an enemy building. It was a legit warfare collapse. Unban me bro!

      Much love, Captain JackBoosh of the goblin army x x x x
      1. bergice
        Oh, so it works, that's good news, well it gives out automatic 15 minute bans so it's a bit late for me to unban you now! :D
        Apr 22, 2013
    12. jayzus
      I just got banned because someone said i was griefing right as i joined. -__- This was the only server i get on, and now i cant get on because of a stupid fucker that randomly said i griefed.
      1. bergice
        I didn't see anyone complain about you, and no admin banned you. Most likely a short ping ban, but you should be unbanned now.
        Apr 20, 2013
    13. BrokenWings
      replied to your 3 questions
    14. lowkimberly4
      hey im really sorry and i want to know if i can be unbanned from role play server #2, its my favorite server and i am truly sorry, if theres anything i could do to rejoin , i would be thankful, ;c
      1. bergice
        Replied on P.M.
        Apr 13, 2013
    15. PinoyPooPow
      Hi Bergice, I'd like to apply for Admin when your new server update comes.. Is there anything I can do to help in the meantime?
      1. bergice
        Yes, send me a P.M.
        Apr 13, 2013
    16. BlackNiggerMkII
      I see you're alpha testing your server again, id like to help ofc....if you need it
    17. BlackNiggerMkII
      Bergice id like to help with the alpha testing on your new server, if you wouldn't mind inviting me please.
      1. bergice
        Sorry, I tried adding you but it could not find your user on the forums. Anyways there will be an open beta testing in a week or so, so you will get another opportunity!
        Apr 7, 2013
      2. BlackNiggerMkII
        Okay no problem
        Apr 7, 2013
    18. jcjc012
      Where will the testing be at. I wold like to help you test this new update or what ever
      1. bergice
        It is a private conversation, I can invite you.
        Apr 7, 2013
      2. jcjc012
        Just got it thanks
        Apr 7, 2013
    19. thebonesauce
      bergice, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but your server is a fucking joke. Everyone is random killing everyone else, you have ZERO moderation, so nobody follows any rules. Why should they?
      1. bergice
        There is moderation when admins are on. I'm working on a big update that will fix all off these issues. It will soon be announced with how it works and stuff, probably in a couple of days.
        Apr 5, 2013
    20. cpdevil
      Hey bergice, how do I become an admin and how do I send you screen shots of violators. :D
      1. cpdevil
        Could you check out Dent and 42nd Komana
        Apr 4, 2013
      2. bergice
        Go on Inbox -> Start New Conversation.

        Not recruiting any more admins until I have finished the new update.
        Apr 5, 2013
      3. cpdevil
        Thanks please let me know when you are recruiting again.
        Apr 5, 2013
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