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Comments on Profile Post by Mazey

  1. Geti
    Endless devotion and love, or starting from $200. We're likely going to be holding an event where you can buy uniques in a while; they aren't going to be cheap though.
    May 7, 2013
  2. Mazey
    ok my new laptop can wait
    May 7, 2013
  3. Mazey
    As I support you and I get a cool head ;-;
    May 7, 2013
  4. zollie20
    C'mon, Geti, I've supplied endless love. ;)
    May 7, 2013
  5. zollie20
    If ya kno wut i men
    May 7, 2013
  6. Geti
    If by love you mean fingering, that doesn't cut it these days ;D
    May 7, 2013
  7. Geti
    But yeah no the heads will likely be for sale, there aren't many more uniques assigned on charity I'm afraid, I think there are 3, from memory.
    May 7, 2013
  8. Mazey
    what kinds of? and do you make a new on on request? (like 50 or 100 aus dollar more? aus dollar pl0x)
    May 7, 2013
  9. Mazey
    aaand another question, quite important " By buying a paid account you get immediate, revokable access to the full version of our game. Whenever new paid features are introduced, all old paid accounts will recieve access to these new features, and the price of upgrading to a paid account will go up." heads are a feature?
    May 7, 2013
  10. Geti
    Heads are, unique heads aren't. New unique heads will be drawn from the owners request.
    May 8, 2013
  11. Mazey
    So if you buy a head, you can keep an unique head in a future kag version?
    and about my other question, 200$ what, aus dollar?
    May 8, 2013
  12. Geti
    AUD is fine.
    Yes, heads persist to future kag version (thought not any sequel games that might happen)
    May 8, 2013
  13. Ponis
    *hint hint
    May 8, 2013
  14. Mazey
    Ponis- that's not a hint :P I already knew MM and Geti have plans to continue together and make another game (no idea what kind of game, maybe the also haven't loll)
    Geti- the heads are the 'punk' and the hat with glasses right? And translated to Euro it's 155,25 Euro :) I can probably afford that.
    May 8, 2013
  15. zollie20
    kag 2: Revenge of the Banned
    May 8, 2013
  16. Geti
    Nah the punk and guy with glasses are furai and sirsalami
    if you buy one you'll get to choose what you get shown as.
    May 8, 2013
  17. Mazey
    Ah I see, we can take it to pm later.
    May 8, 2013