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Comments on Profile Post by Force

  1. Hella
    Exams are so far from fun that it's funny. What sort of subjects have you gone in for?
    May 10, 2013
  2. Force
    Exclamation marks generally express strong feelings, not necessarily funny emotions. I'm not taking any 1,2 - 3,4 subjects since I am still in the earli[er] grades of secondary. So just core subjects: English, Math, Geo (Sem1 only), French (compulsory subject -_-, im gonna wing it) and Science.
    May 11, 2013
  3. Hella
    Haha, fair enough. I remember having to do French, and I'm so goddamn glad I never have to do it again. ;-;
    May 11, 2013
  4. Force
    Yeah, I will quit it next year. I think its a waste of time. :)
    May 11, 2013