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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. JonnieL
      Erm Hi Bergice.. Just wondering. Is there any specific requirements to be admin/ViP? Just wondering^^ Thanks
      1. bergice
        To be VIP you need to donate.

        To become admin you must show good skills, common sense and it helps if you can program or help developing. Reporting bugs/griefers/hackers etc also helps, and we don't need admins from all timezones either.
        May 13, 2013
    2. cpdevil
      Hey Bergice, How do I get the VIP class when on your server? I am already a VIP player according to one of your announcements.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. cpdevil
        Thank you very much! :)
        May 14, 2013
      3. cpdevil
        :( It is still broken, when I hit backspace the VIP option is still not available.
        May 14, 2013
      4. cpdevil
        Also, can you tell your admins to observe a situation be fore automatically blaming people and freezing them.
        May 15, 2013
    3. jamesam
      dude i like the server when it use to be.This is none fun anymore thats all i got to say
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jamesam
        well i gonna keep banning on ur server... lol
        May 12, 2013
      3. bergice
        You are allowed to kill VIP's, as long as you have a reason to. If someone said otherwise they're wrong.

        And what was the issue with Pqla?
        May 13, 2013
      4. jamesam
        kinda hate him lol
        May 14, 2013
    4. frederickvael
      Again, your mods sucks. Tons of griefers in all teams, and they do nothing. You ask them, nothing. You go wherever they are, ask them again, and they say "...Sure, I know", and keep building. But you attack them and they froze you and ban you. They only use their powers to play, not to moderate. This is bullshit, and is ruinning your server. Root Brokewings was the guy.
      1. Antaka and jamesam like this.
      2. bergice
        Asking about it.
        May 12, 2013
      3. jamesam
        May 12, 2013
    5. JonnieL
      Hi Bergice
      1. bergice
        May 12, 2013
    6. fangpier656
      berg when will i know if the pm is passed on the admins?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bergice
        Edit button on the topic.
        May 14, 2013
      3. fangpier656
        May 15, 2013
      4. fangpier656
        ok so like bergy it has been open now can you tell me
        May 15, 2013
    7. jamesam
      dude berg its not fair that vip cant be kill -.- i hate it u know and jelly didnt even donate.... that what she said
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jamesam
        ohh so if they kill me i can kill them (that means war rigth?)
        May 12, 2013
      3. bergice
        May 12, 2013
      4. jamesam
        well the vips are being dicks well so i dont like the way this is tho the admin are dicks too ;-; i am just complaining well ill be hating this server now.....
        May 12, 2013
    8. Man715
      I've seen some admins I haven't seen before (probably new ones), and one of them banned me. The banning reason was griefing, but the thing is that I've destroyed a building of a rival race because it's war between mine and theirs. They didn't listen and ban me, also mentioned that I look stupid trying to defend myself from what I've done. It was admin "putumayo" or admin "Aroogala".
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jamesam
        cause i dont like it
        May 12, 2013
      3. jamesam
        and i been banned for a reason grifing the vip tower...
        May 12, 2013
      4. jamesam
        root was it...
        May 12, 2013
    9. MightyArcher
      Bergice, I Love ur Server And i Play There all the Time but can U plz give Other teams TeamDoors If U can, and theres a Prob with new Workshops Knight Workshops turns Builder to Archer and Archer Workshop Turns Builder to Knight can u pls fix it if u can< God Bless U Sir and have a Long Life
      1. EliteKnight likes this.
      2. bergice
        I can't fix the doors, it's a hardcoded issue.

        The workshop bug will be fixed on next restart.
        May 11, 2013
      3. MightyArcher
        Thank U sir Godbless u
        May 12, 2013
    10. LordBraxt
      Bergice, Im on you're server alot. I love You're server its really fun.
      So i was meaning to ask, How does one get VIP without donating? I see alot of people that are VIP and im on you're server alot. But anyways that was what i wanted to ask.
      Keep up the great work. -LordBraxt
      1. bergice
        * Help develop the server by programming or web design skills.
        * Report griefers/hackers and bugs.
        * Win a contest. (Happens randomly sometimes).
        May 11, 2013
    11. ---
      Bergice, How can I get access to the Elite RPers, Beta Game. It seems to have a password on it. Is it because of prevention non realism and constant wars? In that case, it is just wanted to have in the RP server. So, can I please get access to it ?

      Thank you.

      ~ From the Most Gracious --- ( a.k.a Mime )
      1. bergice
        It is currently in development. I am doing open beta tests regularly to test it out. Most likely the next test will be on Saturday.
        May 9, 2013
    12. EliteKnight
      Hello Bergice My Name Is EliteKnight I wish to Apply to to be an Admin In your amazing Role Play server If u will allow. I really Like to be an Admin to Prevent Massive Griefing of Griefers and Hackers Because There are Always No Admin When I go online Thats why Griefers griefs all the time. I Promise I will be a Great Help. Plz Notify me if you will allow me to Be an Admin. Thank You Sir..
      1. BrokenWings likes this.
      2. bergice
        Send me a P.M.
        May 9, 2013
    13. Concorde
      Bergice hello my name Concored, not in real life but XD But I was wanting to know if you could allow me to be an admin on your amazing Role play server. I really would like to be able to keep some control over the players that are not listening, and I could be there more than other admins. please let me know if you will allow me to be and admin. Thank You
      1. bergice
        Send me a P.M.
        May 9, 2013
      2. Concorde
        I P.M. you but I think I didn't do the P.M. your thinking of... :c
        May 10, 2013
      3. bergice
        I received it, will reply soon.
        May 10, 2013
    14. Kingpanda
      Bergice porfog banned me for 10 minutes because i warred elves and he said i rk him. even though i warred him. i obvioulsey see either he is new, or he doesnt understand the rules. -.-
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kingpanda
        and now he just killed me for being in his base after he said peace and he never told me to leave first....

        And now he freakin muted me. This admin only bans when he wants. i was chasing him cause we at war. then a blue rks me. he tells blue "thankyou"
        this admin makes me mad -.-
        May 9, 2013
      3. Kingpanda
        i know the rules for the server better than this guy.
        May 9, 2013
      4. Kingpanda
        haha lol he banned me for rk again. when i get back on he his dead. i got a screen shot of him and his admin buddies using editor to grief stuff on our heads. it wasnt very fun for us.
        May 9, 2013
    15. BilboIsUndead
      I think that I was banned unfairly by one of the administrators on your server. I was obeying all the rules and was not ruining the game for any of the other users within the server. Can you un ban me please?
      1. bergice
        You sure it wasn't a ping ban? It lasts for a short period only.
        May 8, 2013
    16. Kingpanda
      I think it may be just a ping ban but can you make sure that i am not banned for anything. :) thankyou
    17. Cave__Johnson
      smicz,t3hviking, nott, aerows, zoob, and azrazell6666 are all cheaters
      1. bergice
        What kind of cheaters?

        Do you have any proof?
        May 7, 2013
      2. Cave__Johnson
        no sorry
        May 7, 2013
    18. Cave__Johnson
      i would like to request you make me an admin on your free classic roleplay server,because there are no admins and alot of people randomkilling when i play and cant seem to open the player roster to vote kick them.

      for your consideration.
      1. Kingpanda
        send him PM
        May 4, 2013
    19. cpdevil
      Bergice, I have two questions
      1 : What exactly does being a VIP do/ get me?
      2 : How do I donate if I am in America and don't understand the foreign language?
      1. bergice
        1: You become a respected member, you get reserved slot and will be invited/informed about things happening, you also get no delay on votes and can votekick anyone.
        In the future I may add certain attributes for the new updates.

        2: Which foreign language? The servers are European but we speak English, paypal is used for donation: www.tinyurl.com/kagrp
        May 5, 2013
    20. Kingpanda
      Bergice, there is a bug on your server. it is where corpses are still alive and killed. i did some research and found out how to do it. if you PM me then i will tell you about it so you can fix. it makes the game no fun.
      1. bergice
        I know about the bug, to fix it I would have to do something I'm not sure I want to do, people will be told not to do it and in the future I may put up ban punishments for people doing it.
        May 5, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        alright, just wanted to make sure that you are aware :)
        May 5, 2013