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Comments on Profile Post by justi01

  1. Hella
    They call me Dr. Hella PhD, Deputy Super Sneak Extraordinaire.

    And this is my sidekick, Justi the Foot.
    May 14, 2013
  2. justi01
    Hey, me being a sidekick implies that I'm the worst thief in our duo. I refuse to accept that I'm the least skilled, simply because of my one-in-a-million moments that come by every blue moon.

    I'm fine with being known as "the Foot", though. Adds character.
    May 14, 2013
  3. Hella
    That doesn't have to be the case at all! Although, maybe you should be the leader, or we could simply be partners-in-crime.

    Dr. Hella PhD & Justi the Foot, expert scallywags.
    May 15, 2013
  4. justi01
    I don't consider myself much of a leader. I prefer stealing and dealing alongside my fellow thieves and hooligans as an equal, rather than being superior or inferior.

    Plus, Justi the Foot really doesn't strike me as the name of a leader.
    May 15, 2013
  5. Hella
    Maybe you're an undercover thief, or something.
    May 15, 2013