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Comments on Profile Post by Alpaca

  1. Canadian98
    ;_; we should form a non-anime fag club ;_;
    May 22, 2013
  2. Alpaca
    yesh, we'll have armies '-'
    May 22, 2013
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Heh, silly Kouji and his trolling. This is what happens when I go away for a day unannounced.

    Ah well, at least I fixed my DP. ^_^
    May 24, 2013
  4. Alpaca
    that's what I figured, but you still haven't fixed it '-'
    May 24, 2013
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Yeah, I added a 'stache to the current one, but then thought better of it and swapped back again. I'll prolly keep it until I get my mustache wax; then maybe a DP featuring said wax'd 'stache.
    May 25, 2013