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Comments on Profile Post by Reudh

  1. One
    Apart from the shitty internet, faulty graphics card and lack of beer I am prutty gud.
    May 24, 2013
  2. Reudh
    Aw, that sucks. For some reason my internet hasn't been shitty lately after like a year of being shit.
    May 24, 2013
  3. One
    Lucky, I have been stuck on one bar of wifi for ages ;-;
    May 24, 2013
  4. Reudh
    oh god you poor bastard. I recorded a new download speed the other night: 1MB/s. It was for one second, but still, freaking awesome. What provider are you with?
    May 24, 2013
  5. One
    The maximum I usually get is 300 k/b/s
    telstra is my provider
    May 25, 2013
  6. Reudh
    I'm with iiNet, and that's about what I average too. Pretty sure that Telstra's doing shit-tonnes of upgrade work.
    May 25, 2013