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Feb 26, 2012
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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. Kingpanda
      Bergice, Pofurg made huge tower. blocking blue's path. All i wanted to do was make a walkway through it. i was putting walls as i went. Pofurg kept rk me so i started killing him. Putomayo bans ME for rk and griefing. Like WTF. Putomayao kept talking to me like he was the boss. i asked him why i couldnt make walkwya nad he said " BECAUSE I SAID NO!!".

      Tower: http://postimg.org/image/yqt4g9att/be35f85f/
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JonnieL
        :/ mate we told u so many times there was a tunnel underneath..
        Jun 5, 2013
      3. Man715
        I see... everyone keeps complaining about that admin Putumayo. I'm one of the complaining people. He doesn't know how to be an admin at all!
        Jun 5, 2013
      4. JonnieL
        hes still an admin... he needs to learn from good admins first
        Jun 5, 2013
    2. cpdevil
      Bergice, I just want to recognize a certain player who has been an amazing by following all the rules and protecting the victims of rule breaking and his name is Karson.
      1. bergice
        Alright, thanks!
        Jun 4, 2013
    3. hughaldrich
      1. View previous comments...
      2. jamesam
        Jun 5, 2013
      3. Urano
        Jun 5, 2013
      4. Pofurg
        Martinheitz will not stop coming back. Almost every day I see him griefing or doing some other shit.
        Jun 8, 2013
    4. JonnieL
      1. JonnieL
        im a baaaaad dwarf
        Jun 4, 2013
      2. bergice
        Yes you are. Gonna lock you up in that cell so you can't help the Starks.
        Jun 4, 2013
      3. JonnieL
        Haha lol :3
        Jun 6, 2013
    5. Star_Legend456
      hey, bergice so many people are doing these stupid but (obviously) fun glitches. They throw the bomb then shield toward it and they slide through the tunnels really fast without speedhacking. I don't know if you can-probably not- but if you can fix this, it would be great! I will try to catch a video of it for you, Thank-You
      1. JonnieL
        Whats so stupid? its a great way for transportation
        Jun 4, 2013
      2. bergice
        I don't have problems with really minor game bugs. Besides, I can't do anything about it because it's in the source code.

        Only bugs that can give you a moderate advantage like the fish bug are prohibited.
        Jun 4, 2013
    6. XxLostNeonxX
      Once again, I have been banned by Build Thiamor, but this time, I think it is a perm ban. He gave me absolutely no warning and no chance to explain why I was killing Humans. Can you please lift my ban, for I did nothing wrong.
      1. bergice
        I will ask him about it.
        Jun 4, 2013
    7. lagystar
      Today, a vip (DinShaba) was griefing the dwarve's base. He repeatedly called us "mad" and was aggravating us.
      Also, Kingofthebrithins was rking people on sight
      just to let you know.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lagystar
        Although, just to say.
        There's a difference between griefing when a Mod is Here and when a mod is not here.
        Griefing is practically a pandemic when a mod is not here, and It's really frustrating when I try to build.
        Oh, and
        I am reknowned?
        Jun 2, 2013
      3. JonnieL
        Nice words :3
        Jun 3, 2013
      4. bergice
        Doesn't matter if you grief when an admin isn't there or if it's because of revenge. None of it is accepted. Lagystar and kingofthebrithins have already been reported for several offenses with proof and will be given appropriate bans based on that soon.
        Jun 4, 2013
    8. JonnieL
      I'm one of the VIPs in ur server. Just wondering if I could gain access to your RolePlay Server #1 Thanks! :)
      Also I've sent you one of my Essays.. lol I hope u will reply soon :)
      1. bergice
        If it is passworded, it's because I'm working on it. The next public test will be open without any passwords.
        Jun 1, 2013
      2. JonnieL
        Ohh okay.. I never knew that srry XD
        Jun 2, 2013
    9. arrout
      1. bergice
        Thanks for reporting!
        Jun 1, 2013
    10. nicolasxz13
      1. jamesam likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. jamesam
        yes berg that time there is 2 hakers at ur server
        the 2 of them like spd hak and kill everyone
        Jun 2, 2013
      4. bergice
        I can't just ban someone because you say they're hacking. I need proof, or a lot of witnesses.
        Jun 4, 2013
      5. JonnieL
        The worst part is these guys use more than 1 account. :/
        Jun 5, 2013
    11. Kingpanda
      1. Kurokitty
        I'm pretty sure I saw this guy breaking rules before. I'll keep an eye out for him.
        Jun 1, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        Thankyou Kuro
        Jun 1, 2013
    12. Man715
      Karratell has been using speed hacks... I don't have any proof, but he moves 10x times faster and hits incredibly fast with a hammer. I think that the hackers deserve a really big ban.
    13. hughaldrich
      1. bergice
        What are the names? Especially the troll on the bottom of the second image.
        May 30, 2013
      2. JonnieL
        Hehe ivan doesnt really grief honestly he just doesnt want people to touch his stuff xD
        May 31, 2013
      3. hughaldrich
        Ivan freaking grieffed the whole troll team
        May 31, 2013
    14. fadeddeathkirby
      Hello people of RP server. I would like to apologize about yesterday. I became a Hitler, gathering all my Goblin troops to kill every race. We ended up destroying everyone and I am sorry. You can expect that won't be happening any time soon. Again Sorry.
      1. bergice
        As long as it was good roleplay, it can be okay. Just as long as it doesn't end up with everyone randomkilling!
        May 30, 2013
      2. FireMagic
        Yeah.. one thing is be a hitler but declare war, another is to get your race randomkilling everyone.. the first one is fine.

        Hate when players do the second one.
        Jun 1, 2013
      3. lagystar
        I'm proud of you Kirby <3
        Jun 2, 2013
    15. Jack-Wilsington
      am off the server for would be nescessary i play frequently especially lately and have become a known face with several players of course due to the nature of the server for good and bad reasons and do not want to be off it for good as it has a unique feel which i very much enjoy and would be too bed to lose as it it pretty much the reason i play kag thank you for your (possible) consideration ~Jack
      1. JonnieL
        nice poem
        May 30, 2013
      2. bergice
        Thanks, but where are you going with this?
        May 30, 2013
    16. Jack-Wilsington
      i have been perma banned if i have i would like to politely request an unban and if it is just an rk ban or is temporary an unban would be nice but only the time i
    17. Jack-Wilsington
      Hi there this is Jack-Wilsington i am a frequent player on your server and i have been banned by the moderator cave johnson without warning and without trial for defending myself against somebody he/she knew was rking me repeatedly I am unsure of how long a rk ban is or if
    18. jamesam
      wow sage just banned me no reason no nothing....
      1. Kurokitty
        It's pretty interesting that every time I see you, you are an rker or a griefer. I'm pretty sure there was a reason sage banned you.
        Jun 1, 2013
      2. jamesam
        i was just walking and bam i got banned
        Jun 2, 2013
    19. b0ng
      If I become a VIP with a high donation, I would be less persecuted by incompetent admins (2 admins particularly ) ? :D

      I have played with Johnson for a few hours and i'm ban 30 seconds after his departure for injustified randomkilling ( I defend, he doesn't believe me .. ) really, i don't understand some behavior against me, i'm going crazy ! ( Google translate powa )
      1. bergice
        Being V.I.P definitely filters you out of the mass and will give you a second chance because it proves you are not some random person who is just there to break rules.
        May 30, 2013
    20. jamesam
      berg someone is grifing fuking the whole base i am not the grifer i am a good guy now but the guy name is :castigadorAlistair PLS PERBANNED HIM I BUILD THE WHOLE GODDAM BUILDING AND HE GRIF ALL ;-;
      1. FireMagic
        I saw you griefing a VIP's tower before.. I don't really see why should you report a griefer?
        Jun 1, 2013
      2. jamesam
        i am trying to not grifing well i dont want to be banned on my favourte server pls give me a chance fire pls
        Jun 2, 2013