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Comments on Profile Post by Shaxi

  1. Shaxi
    This one loox like old cindarella.
    Jun 6, 2013
  2. Infiniterising
    same person -.- just no bleeding or holding a sword.
    Jun 6, 2013
  3. Shaxi
    Lol, such a Star Wars fan...
    Jun 6, 2013
  4. Infiniterising
    WHAT? its not a lightsaber... I've already explained it in the post below me. In fact: I'll type it all again.

    Its a sword with magical properties, its indestructible, and at the base there are 6 slots, like a revolver, each with different magical runes for different purposes. Each also has its own color.
    Jun 7, 2013
  5. SlyStalker
    I don't think that this is someone from Star Wars. Star Wars is cool though. :)
    Jun 7, 2013