First off, being in four clans show that you have little dedication or passion for any. It just shows that you want to gain more "power" (no pun intended) or popularity by joining multiple clans that you have no dedication towards.
1) I'm not in POWER. I couldn't give less of a s**t about them
2) Don't call people undedicated and unpassionate unless you personally know them. I only called kl4060 that because that what she called herself a while back.
3) I'm undedicated? F**k off before you talk more about s**t you don't know about .
4) Dicks like you belong in HAVOC.
5) Sorry kl4060 for all this junk.
6) If I ever see your punk ass face on any of the servers i'm on you better be f**king sorry.
Fucking hell Infiniterising, you dirty little shitstain. Don't fucking attempt to be funny fag boy. Do you think you're funny? No, the only thing funny about you is, you. And your pathetic name 'infiniterising' fuck, seriously.
I'll save you the time and horror, delete your fucking account you un-lawful cunt. You're pretty much 11 by the way you act, so don't act older. 'oh, i'm funny and come up with the best puns, so i'll call you a pedo heh'
no, go run off to your mummy and wait there for 5 years until she tells you that your balls have dropped you un-privileged cunt. Don't fucking reply to this, just sit there and jack off to my profile picture because with that account name, it's obvious you're attracted to dogs and you're sisters ex boyfriend.
1) Did I ever say you were in POWER? Obviously, you don't understand what a pun is if you think that I said that.
2) The basic "law of the land" in kag is that being in more than one clan shows little dedication. Because you can't just pick one to be in, everything can get muddled.
3) Stop censoring your language. This is the internet.
4) I'm sad to say this, but I doubt you're even good enough to be in HAVOC. Your lack of IQ points and insulting "skillz" show that you can't even handle constructive criticism.
5) Yeah, I'm sorry that you have to deal with her.
6) Don't even try to pull that threatening crap on me. I'll have you know that if we ever meet on a server, I'll probably dies of cancer before you even get the chance to hurl one threat or insult.
7) Don't even try to report any of this - I know that people like you freak out whenever they get owned in and can't handle it. Deal with it, nothing I've said here is flaming
>" If I ever see your punk ass face on any of the servers i'm on you better be f**king sorry."
What did you say to me you little cunt? Fuck off back to 9gag faggot. Nobody likes you, not even Kl's standing up for you since he knows how much of a childish little shitcunt you are.
Fuck off back to TF2, while suckling little gay boy. Also, why would we be sorry to a little sissy like you, fuck. So much of a sissy you rejected your Mother's dick and headed for your Daddy's house, i hope you all die. Fuck off, really no one likes you, or ever will.
I just don't know anymore. I don't know what i'm doing with my life. I don't know what i'm doing wrong, i don't know how it's possible to fuck almost everything up. All i do is go home and cry, after a hard days work of bullying. It's reaching it's limit, i don't know what to do, i've seen people, but that just doesn't help. what2do.. :(
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