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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. Horoto
      If I get a video recording program, and all that good stuff will people be banned if I have evidence of them griefing a team base?
      1. Horoto
        Also how should I go about it? Tell them they're being recorded? Repair the base as they grief it, or just let them tear it down, so you will know without a doubt they were griefing it?
        Jul 7, 2013
      2. bergice
        Yes, any proof of rulebreaking will result in a ban.

        You can tell them, if they don't stop after that the ban will be even longer.
        Jul 8, 2013
    2. Horoto
      Wish I knew how to contact an admin right now. Some guy named killemoneygold, also another account sir money gold griefed us cant get team to kick... I really wish I had admin, because the time I play is always riddled with griefers it sucks. Which is this time 2:08 am right now for me.
      1. JonnieL
        Admins are more online often now. Dont worry! :D
        Jul 8, 2013
    3. shittalker
      People only join because its the best multi team server with pvp. If you want this to be RP than disable combat and have everyone run around like a creative server. other than that, fuck your mods and fuck the rules. - though your server is nice, its seriously flawed in the ideology behind it.
      1. JonnieL
        Lol, It is an roleplaying server, roleplaying needs combat. Silly
        Jul 8, 2013
    4. shittalker
      I feel your server has hypocrite players and mods. I think your server should be pvp-role play based on war .I get banned for "rking" - yet others do it and no one really role plays nor ACTS. It's impossible to ROLE PLAY on a PVP enabled server. (cont)
      1. Horoto
        I think the problem where it goes majorly wrong is one bad apple spoils the bunch. Someone joins over from another team, and griefs a base, or people rk, then all hell usually breaks loose. The best you can do right now is remember the players name you have a beef with like me, and just remember it.
        Jul 7, 2013
      2. Horoto
        So far my hated players are. Artura, Milkweedz, Schwera, Dwarf Hammer, KillemoneyGold or SirMoneyGold, and I can't remember any other names right now. I should start righting them down.
        Jul 7, 2013
      3. potato14
        read the title there is classic written for a reason not just role play there is classic
        Jul 12, 2013
    5. nicolasxz13
      could somebody explain what was the reason for ban??
      1. bergice
        We don't really have control over all bans currently, if you weren't informed about it, it's most likely a shorter ban or ping ban.
        Jul 6, 2013
      2. nicolasxz13
        Jul 6, 2013
    6. jamesam
      everyone is asking for admin but berg trust the one who play on his server long time .-. so fuk off people berg will pick which he wanted .-. probally not me or yes :3
      1. lukaswil1
        calm down dood
        Jul 6, 2013
    7. lukaswil1
      hey bergice I would like to be admin on your role ply server I have experience as admin on servers. I think I would make a exelent admin because I always se people griefing and rking so I can freeze them. I hope you consider my application. hope to hear fro you soon :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lukaswil1
        Jul 6, 2013
      3. bergice
        We currently have enough fill-ins at the moment.
        Jul 6, 2013
      4. lukaswil1
        ok just let me know when there is a free place :)
        Jul 6, 2013
    8. Centurion_
      Hello Bergice, I've noticed that you were recruiting admins for the role play server and I think I'd fit the position. I have left you previous applications and I am hoping you will reconsider my offer and recruit me for you Roleplay management team.
      Thank you, Cent
      1. Centurion_
        This can be a temporary position or longer if you think I am doing well so far
        Jul 6, 2013
    9. Kingpanda
      1. bergice
        It was a small mistake with the seclevs and has been fixed now.
        Jul 6, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        Thankyou :)
        Jul 6, 2013
    10. chrissf
      bergice can you give me admin temporarily or longer
    11. Centurion_
      Painkiller is an admin...?
      1. bergice
        Jul 5, 2013
    12. jamesam
      umm berg is pain killer teh new admin .-. omg why cant jelly or anyone else be . pain killer is idk what to say .-.
    13. jamesam
      bergice umm johncarter is abusing power by banning me for no reason and he is playing tag shit and change my team .-.
      1. bergice
        Apparently he kicked you for swearing or something.
        Jul 4, 2013
      2. jamesam
        .-. ok but i swear nothing at him ; ~ ;
        Jul 4, 2013
      3. WizKid
        you swore LOADS hahahahaha
        Jul 5, 2013
    14. xRPEx
      We have a speedhacker and griefer/rker: mobstudio. Permaban him please. A lot of people witnessed it.
      1. bergice
        When did this happen?
        Jul 4, 2013
      2. xRPEx
        As soon as I saw him grief and rk me (instakilled me as builder because he attacked insanely fast), I waited a minute and then put this on your page.
        Jul 5, 2013
    15. Kingpanda
      Bergice, lately my ping is very high for no reason and ive been banned on 3 other servers D:
      i do not know why this is happening however im not banned on your server i was jsut wondering if you knew how to fix this ping?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kingpanda
        oh and now im freaking banned on your server. i came back from feeding my dogs and im now banned. im guessing kuro banned me for "rk" when really i was killing people who wouldnt stay off elf land.
        Jul 3, 2013
      3. bergice
        Sorry I don't know how to fix your ping, you have been unbanned by now but make sure you warn people to get off your land first.
        Jul 4, 2013
      4. Kingpanda
        Yessir :D
        Jul 4, 2013
    16. Horoto
      Yea I'm about ready to give up King Arthurs Gold fuckin griefers are terrible. Some guy name Milkweedz really needs to be banned for the sake of all humanity ban that little shit. He just comes in with a fuckin catapult and starts fuckin up the base. He wont stop you have to take the cata from him and he gets another.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Horoto
        Seriously the entire 5 hours I was playing someone was griefing humans. Maybe like an hour and a half out of the five did I have some relief. Some admin named Jonnie came on unfortunately not for long.
        Jul 3, 2013
      3. Horoto
        The entire 5 hours was miserable. I will more then likely find another game to play after nights, and nights of this shit. It's not your server either it's just the fucking style of game. Griefers in all games, just so much more prevalent in minecraft style games. Of any kind........
        Jul 3, 2013
      4. Horoto
        I know without video I can't prove shit about this, but it's better than saying nothing.
        Jul 3, 2013
    17. xWarri0r
      Seriously? You just ignored me? Wow.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xWarri0r
        PS: I didn't "bitch" about the game. You should take your time and actually read. Like most literate people.
        Jul 2, 2013
      3. bergice
        No, I did not just ignore you. My inbox has on average 20-30 new messages and you simply have to wait for your turn, there are a lot of people waiting for responses here.

        It looks like you removed your previous message so I won't be able to read it, but we aren't currently recruiting at the moment.
        Jul 3, 2013
      4. xWarri0r
        Sorry I thought the Hatsumei guy was you. I removed my previous messages since I thought you read it and it didn't deserve to spam your wall. ^^
        Jul 4, 2013
    18. Centurion_
      Berg I was just banned AGAIN for a crime I didn't commit There was a war between Humans vs Elves gobs and trolls. You know me, I went over to help build VIP base. While I was there, the human base was griefed by someone who claimed to be Kami. I kept yelling that I didn't grief and that I had been at VIP the whole time. But some naive Humans voted to kick me, I humbly request a pardon.
      1. -Q
        An unfair vote-kick? Sounds serious. I'll pardon you this time, but you be good, ya hear?
        Jul 2, 2013
    19. xRPEx
      Like what Skoop is saying below me, your server is atrocious. I join and there are 18 dwarves, most are griefers and rkers and the server is in utter chaos. Heck, most people were rking and griefing and nothing was being done about. You definitely need more admins, not implying that I'm asking to be one or anything. The server is simply being ruined.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. bergice
        All admins have to agree to a reference that clearly states that they will never ban a person without explaining it to them unless it is obvious they are either ignoring, or haven't read the rules.

        If you have an admin complaint, please do send me a PM.
        Jul 3, 2013
      3. Centurion_
        Bergice, the way you concern yourself with our own server issues is a quality I hope to gain, thank you bergice
        Jul 3, 2013
      4. xRPEx
        I'm not complaining to an admin, I'm just saying that there's not enough/none online for a long time.
        Jul 3, 2013
    20. Skoop
      Your greifing problem is out of hand. Your server is so easy and the builds are so attractive that there is an all time low in other servers being greifed. You need to optimize your shit or you will lose that 1# server spot in no time.

      (brave_builder, major greifer who ruined Goblins and Trolls less than 10 mins of this post)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Horoto
        The main thing I wish for the server is it was more ROLEPLAY :P. You know your king is safe in the base, and you take orders from the king, and we have more "political" discussions between teams. One night the humans were really into it we were letting enemys into our base to talk about peace, and taking orders from the king. It was pretty fun. Anyways I'm just rambeling.
        Jul 1, 2013
      3. Horoto
        Yea sorry for so much text I was typing, and typing then its like 420 character limit. TIme to smoke :P
        Jul 1, 2013
      4. bergice
        Like stated before this will be fixed with the Kingslayer mod. In the meanwhile, some new admins have been recruited.
        Jul 3, 2013
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