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Comments on Profile Post by Dantedeathhermit

  1. UnnamedPlayer
    Well, I guess it's better then Unnamed-Cum
    Jul 9, 2013
  2. Dantedeathhermit
  3. Dantedeathhermit
    (I am the master of subtlety.)
    Jul 9, 2013
  4. UnnamedPlayer
    Oddly enough, I read the first chapters of this anime.
    The guy manage to gather half dozen of monsters in his house, all interested in having sex with him, while still cock-blocking himself the whole time. I hate ecchi
    Jul 9, 2013
  5. Dantedeathhermit
    Haven't read it myself (I stay away from ecchi/hentai), but I've heard things about it from people and read the TV tropes page. It's an ero-comedy and from what I've gathered from other ero-comedies the main character guy holding himself back from turning the anime/manga into a hentai is par for the course.
    Jul 9, 2013
  6. Dantedeathhermit
    The characters from MMNIN are from hentai manga shorts the author made before making MMNIN, if it'd make you feel better XD
    I gotta get some less perverted friends... (not you, the guy I heard this and a bunch of other crazy stuff from)
    Jul 9, 2013