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Apr 5, 2016
Feb 26, 2012
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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. UNDERTAKER0909
      im mad i got vote kicked for nothing this guy yosku thinks i would grief because he thinks kami is a griefng clan and i didnt do anything and he just asked a randum guyto kick me for nothing and he did
      1. Kingpanda
        thats because out of everyone i see most of Kami rk and grief all the time
        Jul 22, 2013
      2. UNDERTAKER0909
        i know i might leave it
        Jul 22, 2013
      3. Retrofit
        ..Please dont let impersonators lead your impressions..
        A group of people has been taking our (Kami) name and then greifing to give us a bad name.. :(
        Aug 13, 2013
    2. jamesam
      i would like to be an admin at ur server . i am here for ur permission
    3. UNDERTAKER0909
      i would like to apply for the admin role please i play most of the day
    4. jamesam
    5. Centurion_
      I am sincerely sorry if I did something wrong please tell me what happened. If this is permanent, thank you for letting me help and improve your server in any way that I did, it's been am honor, Cent
      1. xRPEx
        it'd suck if you lost admin, you were a great one
        Jul 23, 2013
    6. Centurion_
      Bergice, somehow, my admin has been taken away on your server, is there any way you can give it back? If it was something I did to have this occur, can you please tell me what it was?
    7. Youaregreat
      Hi bergice! I want to become a admin /moderator, can you tell me what i have to do?
    8. copper40
      Bergice, can you unban me from your #2 server?
    9. lord_nightmare
      KingJad just permuted me for telling all admin to go to hell because he wasnt stopping the 3 griefers on the server and he even helped the one with world edit so can i please get unmuted
      1. lord_nightmare
        as well as not stopping the dwarfs from rking us he sais that watching someone grief isnt unuf proof and that you have to film him and get real video footige of a griefer for them to be banned or even frozen
        Jul 19, 2013
      2. JonnieL
        You arent permamuted >:(
        Jul 20, 2013
      3. lord_nightmare
        i got un permmuted i was permmuted
        Jul 22, 2013
    10. lord_nightmare
      yamin is going to tell you i griefed on your server and i did i did it because the team i griefed where breaking 3 out of 5 rules and i wanted to slow them down at least (the dwarfs where RKing,Griefing,and spawnkilling) so if you ban make sure you put the reason for ban is:for makeing the game more than respawn die respawn die respawn die and so on and so forth (i would very much like to not get banned)
    11. Mordisquitos
      What-a-shame. Kami Joniel banned me on the server cause' I won her in a duel. I don't know what are you doing with the server, giving admin to everyone, but this kind of people is destroying it. I donated for your server cause' I liked it, but this is going in a really bad way. Hope you stay considering to revoke a lot of useless admin powers.
      1. xRPEx
        Yeah, 90% of these new admins suck. Really. Instead of taking requests, how about (after kingslayer, of course, because you're busy at the moment) playing the server and selecting responsible people, then asking them why they should be admin. These freshly recruited admins abuse editor and their ban powers absurdly
        Jul 18, 2013
    12. xRPEx
      Tell your admins to start permabanning again. The amount of griefers and rkers who just simply return to the server after a one day ban is outrageously high.

      EDIT: Also, if they want to be forgiven, they simply need to ask for it. It's not that hard.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JonnieL
        Well, I cant help you there, my timeline is completely different.
        Jul 20, 2013
      3. xRPEx
        Yes, you can help me, and everyone here, by permabanning him, as my original comment said.
        Jul 23, 2013
      4. JonnieL
        Mate I recon you prolly should applicate adminship then
        Jul 24, 2013
    13. Kingpanda
      So ive recently found out that most if not all admins on Bergice's Server seem to hate me. might be the reasoning behind all my bans. i also heard that it is because of Cave jonson's admin being revoked. and i think it is Jonniel's fault that you guys have the wrong story about it all.
      1. Kingpanda
        what happened was that Cave johnson and i had a misunderstanding about if i rked someone or not. he then banned me. Jonniel told me to just leave it alone (so i did) but the 4 days later i was still banned and figured out that
        Jul 17, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        i was actually perma banned. so i had to say something to bergice to get unbanned. Bergice is the owner of the server and decided Cave Johnson's fate not me.
        Jul 17, 2013
    14. Archplayer
      I like how when there a rker or something no admins but when it's all fine literally almost always over three admins that's funny
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Archplayer
        Im just playing and hacavalo has been rking for like two games and counting. >:(
        Jul 16, 2013
      3. Archplayer
        make that three
        Jul 16, 2013
      4. jamesam
        u notice that ur talking on ur own
        Jul 19, 2013
    15. PhTechCube
      Cent ignored me are admin's aloud to do that to player's?
    16. PhTechCube
    17. PhTechCube
    18. WizKid
      jonniel is an ass. a non violent conversation took place with a total lack of insults thrown. True that it was argumentative but I find it hard to believe that there was reason to mute me. Not only this but afterwards he told me. 'fine fine I'll unmute you' then next thing I know I'm banned
      Frankly I think this is blatant misuse of the administration powers granted to him as
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JonnieL
        Wiz, heres the number reason. i was getting spammed that you were annoying the server, claiming that your not getting a *thank you* for kicking someone.. I was there watching you. You were talking sh** about other people not thanking you. Also, you were not listening to what i was saying..
        Jul 16, 2013
      3. JonnieL
        Having to deal with people like you is hard considering i have to take precautions. You were reported to me like 10 times in the vip spawn.
        Jul 16, 2013
      4. jamesam
        jonniel u are an ass :D
        Jul 19, 2013
    19. lord_nightmare
      eather A:get actual good admin or B:have no admins at all
      1. Gamer183
        A: stop causing so much trouble or B: don't come back too the server( a lot of the admins are doing there best they can and some will make mistake, i'm not saying your not in the right you are at times but try to be reasonable .
        Jul 16, 2013
      2. JonnieL
        there are different admins on different parts of the world.
        We all cant have 1 admin shifting to the next, nor can we have no admins at all.. The server has been on CHAOS already and your asking to not have admins...
        Jul 16, 2013
      3. Someonehere
        no the admins are good! they don't do anything and that suits most of the killers out there real good :D
        Aug 17, 2013
    20. copper40
      Bergice, you think you could unban me from your server? Somebody banned me permanently months ago.
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