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Comments on Profile Post by Dantedeathhermit

  1. UnnamedPlayer
    >when fire gets added
    Errrm, fire is already in-game. Haven't you played the beta yet? The only public ctf servers I play on are BC flats and Action, all the others are poorly moderated IMO
    Jul 23, 2013
  2. Dantedeathhermit
    Dude everyone's talking about crazy dinosaurs and sh*t, where the f*ck do I get this???
    Jul 23, 2013
  3. UnnamedPlayer
    Jul 23, 2013
  4. Dantedeathhermit
  5. Dantedeathhermit
    Someone said you were going to make a mole city in some underworld mode.
    I want in on this cus' I build nice tings and I like MOLE and Dante is bored little black crab-monster \'}{'/
    Jul 23, 2013