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Kingslayer mod soon to be released, keep updated on the progress here: http://kagrp.net/ Aug 26, 2013

bergice was last seen:
Apr 5, 2016
    1. copper40
      Bergice, can YOU PLEASE unban me?!! I've been banned there for months and I don't know who did it!
      1. bergice
        Unbanned you for not being on the ban record.
        Aug 18, 2013
      2. copper40
        Aug 18, 2013
    2. Yokomuri
      Dear Bergice,ive griefed on one of your maps and been banned,
      I understand why iv'e been banned but i'm wondering how long it's going to be until i may go back
      on your roleplay server.Can you tell me please?
      1. bergice
        Are you still banned?
        Aug 18, 2013
      2. Yokomuri
        i was unbanned along time ago,thanks for reading atleast bergice c:
        Aug 18, 2013
      3. bergice
        No problem.
        Aug 18, 2013
    3. Pofurg
      1. bergice
        Aug 18, 2013
    4. cpdevil
      Bergice, how long is a ban that you get for leaving while you are frozen? If it has not been lifted yet I request that it be lifted soon due to the fact that I did not break any rules wen I was frozen.
      1. bergice
        30 minutes.
        Aug 18, 2013
    5. lord_nightmare
      i would like to be un banned from your server i dont know who banned me or why because i was just fighting other people(in a war) and then got dissconnected and it says im banned and still says im banned today
      1. bergice
        You should be unbanned now.
        Aug 18, 2013
    6. xRPEx
      Too many admin requests! :o Unless you actually know how to apply, then don't bother. (start a convo :P)
      1. darkslayer911
        can i be admin bergice in your server :)
        Sep 8, 2013
    7. Blanc
      Could I apply for admin? Your rp server is starting to be a rk server from all the greifing,rking and just plain stupidity.
      + some admins don't do anything but give warnings or freeze for a min.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xWarri0r
        It's okay, his server finally has competition now with the other RP server. Maybe he'll improve his service.
        Aug 7, 2013
      3. Retrofit
        dont let blanc be an admin... she be cray
        Aug 18, 2013
      4. Kurokitty
        Aug 19, 2013
    8. Purplexius
      I was just wondering if you still are actually looking for admins and If I could apply. I go on your server daily and am fed up with the constant griefers and hackers. I play this server very often over 6 hours a day. If you would like me as an admin please PM me or Skype me.
    9. Purplexius
      Most of the admins you hired were abusive and obnoxious and you removed them but some still remain and some of them don't even do there job. There are even admins who allow there friends to hack and grief without banning or freezing them.
    10. Purplexius
      Hello Bergice, I've been playing your server for a few months now and the admins you had a couple of months ago were astounding however with the recent changes and removal of those said admins the server is now full of RKers, Griefers, and Hackers. I've asked you a few times If I could apply for admin but you sadly sad you had enough, however a week later I saw 5 new admins...
    11. fadeddeathkirby
      Does anyone know where to apply for admin? I've been on the server for awhile now. I think I could really help it out as admin.
      1. jamesam
        yeah i want to be admin too ..
        Aug 20, 2013
      2. bergice
        Applications can be sent on kagrp.net
        Aug 20, 2013
      3. jamesam
        k ty
        Aug 22, 2013
    12. UNDERTAKER0909
      i will play 10$ or £ to have a black attire on roleplay server and to be named as the batman
      1. xRPEx
        Jul 27, 2013
      2. Happiness
        Bergice. We need this.
        Aug 5, 2013
      3. bergice
        Some day perhaps.
        Aug 18, 2013
    13. Centurion_
      I am constantly being asked by players, "Why aren't you stopping them?!?! You are admin aren't you???"
      I then have to tell the, that ( I literally said this today). "I WAS ADMIN BUT IT WAS TAKEN FOR SOME REASON AND NOW I CAN'T ENFORCE MY GODDAMN SEVER!!!" I know this isn't my server but I treat it as my own
      1. Centurion_
        Apologies for the "Goddamn" :)
        Jul 24, 2013
      2. Kingpanda
        bergice if for some reason its because he is also an admin on my server i apologize also. i have also given up on trying to make a server. and to even think about how hard it is for you and your #1 server is crazy. my server is down for good.
        Jul 24, 2013
    14. Centurion_
      Bergice I apologize for the coming hostility. IMJUST ENCOUNTERED TWO SPEED HACKERS NAMEDMJASONGILL AND KRILL I WAS SPAMMING F3 TRYING TOMFREEZE THEM BUT I DIDN'T HAVE ADMIN SO I COULDN'T. THESE HACKERS RANDOM KILLED GRIEFED AND WELL, HACKED. I am the one admin that was on for most of the day stopping these bastards, pardon the language. I humbly request my admin status back to further enforce OUR sever. Cent
      1. Centurion_
        I just, named jasongill, to freeze
        Jul 24, 2013
      2. Centurion_
        (Spelling errors)
        Jul 24, 2013
    15. Archplayer
      I took a 15 day break from your server due to the severe amount of rk and lack of "good" admins. And I hate when a normal english speaking person rk's then gets busted and pretends to only understand spanish o_0 you know who you are....
      1. Archplayer
        Also berg I think you should unmute jamesan because he got really mad and started griefing and rking and all that stuff
        Jul 24, 2013
      2. Archplayer
        pykzak is a speed haccker -_-
        Jul 24, 2013
      3. Archplayer
        Y do I talk to myself?
        Jul 24, 2013
    16. Gamer183
      As of late the war on the server brought forth on the lowly members of society has once again escalated with new attacks from the zolio. the zolio an old enemy of the server now strives to attacks us at nights and I fear these successful attacks will lead to more bold attacks during the day. This war I hope can be brought to a close so that I and other players can enjoy the server once more

    17. lord_nightmare
      KingJad perm muted me because i brused is little feelings because he doesnt to anything when he is on other than stand around in the tunnel freeze people and discover thay have been at war for a good half an hour without him knowing
      1. lord_nightmare
        because he doesnt pay attention
        Jul 23, 2013
      2. xRPEx
        he's also very busy
        Jul 27, 2013
      3. bergice
        Tell me if you're still muted.
        Aug 18, 2013
    18. jamesam
      bergice .. kingjad and sinner are the worst admin on ur server for somereason king jad is an ass while sinner is good.. but kingjad mutted me while i was telling him about the rker and the grifer he muted me . i already told him and he dosent give a shit and using editor to build awsome shit ...
      1. bergice
        I will look into it.
        Aug 18, 2013
    19. lord_nightmare
      can i be unanned i got banned by being kicked for griefing because i was destroying the stuff that wasnt on our territory
    20. lord_nightmare
      can i be unbanned an admin just banned me for being rude to him (he wasnt doing anything about the dwarfs griefing us) rking (i was killing the dwarfs that were griefing our stuf) and for not letting dwarfs on our territory(they were griefing and stealing our stuf thats why i wouldnt let them on our territory)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lord_nightmare
        does it or does it not say that i can kill people if i tell them to get off my territory and they dont
        Jul 22, 2013
      3. Aroogala
        You are unbanned, please dont let this happened again.
        And your question, That is a rule but you it mostly applies for bases, for example if its land, and all they wanted is wood, it is not fair for them cuz they need it to build and which it will start a war for land, but if they are inside your base which your team had created, you can ask them to leave. you cant be racist if just ONE of them griefed a human tower.
        Jul 22, 2013
      4. Aroogala
        It is very hard to explain, i hope you get the idea. (its nearly impossible to keep people off your whole unless you are on a mountain and have no trees like the dwarves)
        Jul 22, 2013