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Comments on Profile Post by Teerere

  1. SuperCatMan50
    lol its alright i crashed b4 the guards unfreezed me tho xD
    Aug 6, 2013
  2. Aeroblitzer
    I remember I humiliated my self trying to convince the guards to help, but at the same time, convince them that it wasn't admin abuse! xD
    In the end, I kinda humiliated myself in front of 5 guards :/
    Aug 25, 2013
  3. SuperCatMan50
    Lol :D Good job Aero xD
    Aug 26, 2013
  4. Aeroblitzer
    Genius Aero Strikes Again!!! xD
    Aug 26, 2013
  5. Teerere
    <3 both
    Aug 26, 2013
  6. Aeroblitzer
    Aug 26, 2013