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Comments on Profile Post by PumpkingSlice

  1. justi01
    Y hallu thar noobcake. :D Seriously though, any reason for this or is it for shits & giggles? :)
    Mar 11, 2012
  2. PumpkingSlice
    Such language :O and noobcake is my word (seriouly going to copyright it all you bro's keep using it-_-) and was asking as you have been away for a while ()
    Mar 11, 2012
  3. PumpkingSlice
    I care for people unlike you :P
    Mar 11, 2012
  4. justi01
    Feel free to copyright it then, it won't be any fun for any of us though. And what are you on about, i care for a lot of people actually! I'm not gonna name em...Because you know....Theres so many of them i could name....
    Mar 12, 2012
  5. PumpkingSlice
    It's meant to be fun Just for I. and the caring thing was meant to be a joke you noobcake, think I shall kick you off beo's now *tut* *tut*
    Mar 12, 2012