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Comments on Profile Post by Sarathos

  1. keyofdoor
    I'm going to open a secret tunnel into a friends base and flood them with zombies :D
    Mar 20, 2012
  2. Sarathos
    Thats the real way to victory :D
    Mar 20, 2012
  3. keyofdoor
    Using the editor?
    Mar 20, 2012
  4. keyofdoor
    In the current multiplayer zombies, I just get a migrant corpse and put it in the base.
    Zombie in the base!
    Mar 31, 2012
  5. Sarathos
    That and boulders.
    Mar 31, 2012
  6. keyofdoor
    Kegs included.
    Mar 31, 2012