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Comments on Profile Post by thebonesauce

  1. I3lue
    Actually, Pewds is just "that one guy" I watch when I finish jacking off or when I'm just really high or drunk.
    Sep 9, 2013
  2. thebonesauce
    You kinda have to be really high/drunk. I don't find him funny in the slightest... Shrieking idiots don't amuse me all that much.
    Sep 9, 2013
  3. I3lue
    I guess w/e suits your humor. Obviously can't argue with 15mil people :p
    Sep 9, 2013
  4. thebonesauce
    Meh, I can. It's just like I told Beef and a few others; I can't really envy him. He's essentially a professional clown.
    Sep 9, 2013