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Comments on Profile Post by Fellere825

  1. Geti
    I kinda missed the whole Miley Cyrus thing, I presume I get naked towards the end of the implied video?
    Nov 4, 2013
  2. Fellere825
    I didnt get it either. Originally it was gonna be MM's head but... I couldnt find a good picture of him to crop out
    Nov 4, 2013
  3. Geti
    Completely understandable :^)
    Nov 5, 2013
  4. Saigon
    I don't get it.. Is it like for realz, or is it just an idea? The photobucket thingy
    Nov 7, 2013
  5. SMASH1413
    KAG parody of this?
    Nov 8, 2013
  6. skely
    this was hilarious XD
    Nov 9, 2013