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  3. Hey Guest, is it this your first time on the forums?

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Comments on Profile Post by FG

  1. Ghozt
    Dude, can you please stop spamming my profile, on the left is a "like" button and a "Comment" button hit the comment button and RU5H would like you to maybe join them
    hit them up here ;)
    above there pic is a "Request to join button" click that!
    hope this helps!!!!!
    Mar 23, 2012
  2. kebabs44
    Lol, sounds like you got spam.
    Mar 23, 2012
  3. FG
    sorry im new to forums and idk how to use all this...
    Mar 23, 2012
  4. kebabs44
    Hey, we were all noobs at some point right? Just keep your eyes and ears open so you can learn. :D
    Mar 23, 2012
  5. FG
    well im new to forums but not to kag
    Mar 23, 2012
  6. FG
    ty for suggestions GHOZT i got in to RU5H.
    Mar 25, 2012
  7. Ghozt
    Awesome, good job. :D
    Mar 25, 2012