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Comments on Profile Post by Aeroblitzer

  1. Darksteel
    I had school stuff to do (Year 12) So When I wrapped that up I got back into Kag, I haven't played Alpha/Classic since December last year.
    Dec 2, 2013
  2. Aeroblitzer
    Yeah. Just finished exams today myself. So I'm done and dusted. And yeah, thats why i havent seen u in alpha
    Dec 2, 2013
  3. MadDog
    son biches mine is tomorroow.
    Dec 3, 2013
  4. Aeroblitzer
    Hope you do well ^-^
    Dec 3, 2013
  5. MadDog
    it was alright.
    Dec 4, 2013
  6. Aeroblitzer
    :D Great! ^-^
    Dec 4, 2013