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Comments on Profile Post by ambeyin

  1. LucasTT
    The map creator wasn't done,and the maps that were saved by him wouldn't run on KAG.If you really want me to re-upload it(I'll have to look if I stil have it),you'll need something to convert 32bit images to 24bit.
    Dec 6, 2013
  2. ambeyin
    i can convert them in paint.net. i still want it:D
    Dec 6, 2013
  3. LucasTT
    The link that I gave on my thread works just fine for me.Are you tried it?
    Also,keep in mind that it will have bugs,it wasn't complete yet.
    Dec 6, 2013
  4. ambeyin
    the first link in your thread is up. but program not working for me. i cant even choose block types.

    the second link that on 3. page is i guess, updated version. but you removed the dropbox link for it, so i couldnt download it.
    Dec 6, 2013