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Comments on Profile Post by Cerbercre

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Bc I'm already married to Kouji. (If you're wondering what happened to Hella, things just didn't work out).
    Dec 15, 2013
  2. Hella
    It's not my fault you didn't like having the silverware inserted into your orifices whilst you slept. I just assumed Australians were into that sort of thing.
    Dec 20, 2013
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Look, I get the fact that it amused you and got you off, but waking up to 6 or 7 sugar tongs crammed in one nostril is more that a little ott, I think most people would agree.
    Dec 20, 2013
  4. Hella
    Hey, there was actually a lump of sugar stuck up there, so that one was necessary.
    Dec 20, 2013
  5. FuzzyBlueBaron
    THERE WAS A *WHAT*?!??

    Good grief, Hella, what the hell were you doing while I was asleep?? D;
    Dec 20, 2013
  6. Hella
    That wasn't my fault, it was there already there, I was trying to get it out for you. <3
    Dec 20, 2013
  7. FuzzyBlueBaron
    S-s-so this means it was all a misunderstanding? You were trying to save me a-a-and I cruelly and wrongfully blamed you? (;~;)
    Dec 20, 2013
  8. Hella
    Exactly! ;-;

    Although the collection of soup spoons was definitely my fault.
    Dec 20, 2013
  9. Cerbercre
    Kouji is already mine though. So is Hella. So you're mine too.
    Dec 21, 2013
  10. FuzzyBlueBaron
    No, Kouji and I are married siblings descended directly from Geti & MM (along with JTG, Verra, and Master) who in turn are directly descendants from God (Vidar).
    Dec 21, 2013
  11. Cerbercre
    No Vidar has been my husband since the moment i met him forever ago. You simply do not know the underline relationship of Kag drama.
    Dec 23, 2013
  12. FuzzyBlueBaron
    If you're so sure of this then you should inform Verra, our chronicler. A word of warning though, you do run the risk of being viewed by history as simply the town bicycle. :p
    Dec 23, 2013
  13. Shadowofgold
    I fear the wrath of Vidar. He scarred me for life with his magical bomb propelled flying when I first came to KAG years ago ;-;
    Dec 24, 2013
  14. Cerbercre
    i already did months ago
    Dec 24, 2013