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Comments on Profile Post by CheeseMeister

  1. Lee_Shioon
    I'm on mobile atm and I cant play KAG :( currently looking for an ISP so I may or may be gone for a week (which is hard). Dammit do I want to play now.
    Dec 15, 2013
  2. Lee_Shioon
    What about you? Why are you still awake? Had enough KAG today bru?
    Dec 15, 2013
  3. CheeseMeister
    I don't even know why i'm still awake. Just chillin to music until I fall asleep. x)
    Dec 15, 2013
  4. CheeseMeister
    What happened to your previous ISP?
    Dec 15, 2013
  5. Lee_Shioon
    It is not named before me so I have no control of it. I prefer using an ISP of my own. Without interruption, so even if I'm downloading "stuff", I'm not.lagging out hehehehe. What music are you into? (Sry, my phone is as slow as a snail.mail) :(
    Dec 15, 2013
  6. CheeseMeister
    Dec 15, 2013
  7. CheeseMeister
    Dec 15, 2013
  8. Lee_Shioon
    Ohohohoho. You, sir, have a subtle taste when it comes to music :) Techo pop, I presume? If you are into that kind of music, try searching: Daedalus - Tailor Made (Floating Points Remix) on youtube (sry I'm on my phone, I can't give you a link). It might help you from sleep deprivation. It helps me every now and then and oh, thank me later :D
    Dec 15, 2013
  9. Lee_Shioon
    Dem music you just shared, I will probably look for an album now hahahaha. I used to listen with hip-hop techno kinda dubstep with just music in it. It's just the raw music is enough to express itself I guess without the need of lyrics :)
    Dec 15, 2013
  10. CheeseMeister
    I wouldn't say techno pop, probably something more like progressive house and chillstep. That song is pretty chill though.
    Dec 15, 2013
  11. CheeseMeister
    I also really dislike lyrics as well.. dunno why, just puts me off.
    Dec 15, 2013
  12. Lee_Shioon
    I wouldn't go as much as disliking the lyrics. It's just the modern pop songs and said rap/hip-hop songs are complete, utter rubbish (no offence to John freakin Mayer). The said songs has either unintelligible lyrics, repetitive use of a word that is meaningless to the actual song or the song is actaully a list of swear words only a profane human capable of uttering such words.
    Dec 15, 2013
  13. Lee_Shioon
    That said our generation's pop/rap/hip-hop/techo bullcrap music is going downhill aside from those that know exactly what they are producing. Tl;dr bunch of music nowadays sucks. I'm a slow typing person and most.likely have bored you :) G'night man!
    Dec 15, 2013