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Comments on Profile Post by Ziggs

  1. Ziggs
    My father wanted do just know why. I will buy the game if you answer!
    Mar 25, 2012
  2. Rainbows
    They are still trying to make money of it! :P
    Mar 25, 2012
  3. Ziggs
    But, I mean why they but source-code unavaible, it doesn't stop making of money! It's just means that there would come some mods (like in minecraft)!
    Mar 26, 2012
  4. Geti
    No, it means we cant make money because we dont get paid for coding the game, we get paid by people buying it to get features. If you can edit the source, you could just make all of those features available and we'd have no money. If we could get paid for making stuff rather than for selling copies, we would, but until someone's willing to fund our lives, we have to do it this way.
    Mar 27, 2012
  5. Ziggs
    Thanks for answering!
    Mar 27, 2012