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Comments on Profile Post by Rubixxcube

  1. Teerere
    My cube has colors :o
    your cube has cone EXINCT
    Jan 1, 2014
  2. Rubixxcube
    MY cube has class. I was the original. I just stood up, because I'm the real Rubixxcube.

    If you don't get that reference go away
    Jan 1, 2014
  3. Rubixxcube
    and your name is fucking TEERERE anyway go put a terrier on your image or something idc
    Jan 1, 2014
  4. Teerere
    XD no
    I liek rubix cubes
    its actually been ages since i played one :(
    Jan 1, 2014
  5. Rubixxcube
    Jan 1, 2014