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Comments on Profile Post by -Crimson-

  1. FuzzyBlueBaron
    Hey. :)

    Out of interest, what *specifically* don't you like about knight in Release KAG atm?
    Jan 6, 2014
  2. -Crimson-
    I don't like how when you're charging up the slash once you go for another player to slash you like lunge or whatever like mw2 commando pro, and it really pisses me off because I don't know the distance on how far a lunge is when they go to hit you so I just get rekt. :/
    Jan 6, 2014
  3. FuzzyBlueBaron
    The same actually happens in Classic, fwiw. The only difference is that in Release your momentum also increases your slash range by up to a max of 4 pixels and it's learning to judge those extra pixels that makes up much of the skill in Release KAG (the reason they've done this is it helps to make the game more playable even with lag).
    Jan 6, 2014
  4. -Crimson-
    Ah yeah I have noticed that a lot, when I play on US servers with about 233-300 ping I don't take much notice on the lag it feels close to normal. Thank's Fuzzy. I'm planning to move and stay very soon but a lot of of the community I know and socialize with is in classic.
    Jan 6, 2014