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Comments on Profile Post by -Crimson-

  1. -Crimson-
    so as I take these lyrical acrobats and crack them and have u be trippin boy this aint no attack....

    I makin jamaican babes shakin, cuz I money makin, u hatin? u flaken, i sayin what u aint sayin, i be skatin, i aint fakin........illuminati what they sayin...you better bring the hustlers.... cuz I bring this uptown to harlem motherfuckers, whats up...?

    Jan 17, 2014
  2. Yagger
    Your rhymes are atrocious, they commit verbal genocide. Stick em with the nazis, toss them in the salty mines.

    I got one friend named Ed, he's dumber than a box of rocks. He's always tryin to make bread, but at least he doesn't suck cox (like u le).
    Jan 17, 2014
  3. Yagger
    I got another named Eddy, he tries to make loads of dosh. He usually isn't ready, when he's trying to act posh.

    Now I think you know me, my names Double D (for ur mum LAMO), part of the crazy three, just try to fuck with me.
    Jan 17, 2014
  4. -Crimson-
    I don't need to fuck with you cuz thats ur dads job,
    hes probably a fat ass motherfucking slob,
    everything I do, i do it best.
    Your rappin is like a child, this shit aint no threat.

    what class do you play?
    faggot? probably because you'll never get laid.
    and if you already have,
    you finish last,
    bitch you think ur flash,
    u aint nothin homie, so cut the cheese.
    because ima end it right here..plz.
    Jan 18, 2014
  5. Yagger
    nigger *drops mic*
    Jan 18, 2014