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Comments on Profile Post by Invisibility

  1. toffie0
    Hey Inv :)
    Jan 19, 2014
  2. Invisibility
    Hear kasra left MaJoR he's in MANIA now :(
    Jan 19, 2014
  3. toffie0
    Wha??? ;----; haven't heard that
    Jan 19, 2014
  4. Invisibility
    Yeah :( he just quit because to Many people have been Let in I said it's not about that it's about they are friendly and willing to help he's now like they are such a silly clan
    Jan 19, 2014
  5. toffie0
    Jan 19, 2014
  6. Invisibility
    How you been
    Jan 22, 2014
  7. toffie0
    Good, bored, going somewhere without internet tomorrow for two days... And school starts soon :( aah well, such is life. How have you been?
    Jan 22, 2014
  8. Invisibility
    Yeah alright school starts here soon that means I can't play KAG as much due to studying :(
    Jan 22, 2014
  9. kasra345
    Mar 20, 2014
  10. toffie0
    Woops sorry Kas.

    I'm taking it easy this semester but next semster I'm going to accelerate 4 subjects... Should be ummm fun? xD
    Mar 20, 2014